Academic Writing Jobs: Ethically Legal

On April 19, 2019, Gilbert Nakweya wrote an article titled “Academic Writers’ Set To Lose A Lucrative Global Market” to inform the readers about the illegality of the academic writing jobs. He reported that the United Kingdom government worked hard to discourage students to buy composed or written essays from essay mills or writing companies online. This report, somehow, shook the online... [Read More]

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris: A powerful tandem

The game will change! We don't exactly know what will happen. However, we only make predictions as we wait for the next agenda and propaganda to occur after the election. As we welcome the new president Joe Biden and vice-president Kamala Harris, we, also, welcome their very powerful tandem as they have to face tremendous challenges to heal the United States from moral and political damage... [Read More]

3 Reasons Why Students Get Easily Flunked

Students, these days, are at risk of failing in their studies. At any length and pace, they get poor results in their academic examinations. Even if they come to class or submit projects and requirements, they still fail to advance their academic levels. They cannot even progress despite the efforts to submit reports. The problem now depends on the ability of the students to realize their... [Read More]

3 Reasons Why Traveling Is Fun

Traveling is like learning. It gives us exceptional experiences and moments of understanding of life. It, also, gives us moments of joy and pleasure to learn different perspectives and views about the world. These lessons in traveling may be about meeting new cultures, new people and their beliefs, and new natural and social environments. As well, traveling is fun. It helps us explore the diverse... [Read More]

Understand How People Abuse their Powers

Filipino people should learn their lessons about their past. They should learn now to express their humanity to find hope and peace in these times of crises and worries. They should be considerate towards people. As well, they should uphold moral integrity and respect to other people. They should show some concerns about other people in the country with compassion, love, and mercy. However, all... [Read More]

Know Why Telcos Have Had Poor Services

Telecommunication companies, such as Globe and Smart, could hardly secure local permits to build their infrastructure to augment their communication and connection services. This circumstance happened because local officials and regulators made it hard for them to obtain permits. Senator Grace Poe urged these Telecommunication companies to mention names to those local officials and regulators... [Read More]

How Has Been the Philippine Government Battling the COVID-19 Pandemic?

The Philippines has been one of the countries to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. Its government has been implementing guidelines and regulations to administer rapid and swab tests and other types of medical examinations in particular. Along with the Department of Health, Inter-Agency Task Force, and other government agencies, the Philippine government has been integrating methods and procedures... [Read More]

Tell the Truth: Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020 Part 2

Other's Vantage Point The Daily Tribune (TDT) took its side of the argument bit by bit. It highlighted that the Anti-Terrorism Bills (Senate Bill 1083 and House Bill 6875) underwent “tremendous deliberations in the Senate.” If this statement was the case, then there should be no loopholes of the Bill. If the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020 was a correction for the Human Security Act of 2007,... [Read More]