Know Why Telcos Have Had Poor Services

Telecommunication companies, such as Globe and Smart, could hardly secure local permits to build their infrastructure to augment their communication and connection services. This circumstance happened because local officials and regulators made it hard for them to obtain permits.

Senator Grace Poe urged these Telecommunication companies to mention names to those local officials and regulators so that President Rodrigo Roa Duterte would deal with them. In other words, these telecommunication companies could simply provide their clients and consumers viable services by building more cell sites and towers if these culprits, such as the local officials and regulators, did not push their financial agenda.

In the joint assembly of Congress on Monday, President Duterte reprimanded Globe and Smart Telecoms for their pitiable services. He even threatened these two telecommunication companies with government expropriation if Globe and Smart performance services continued to deliver poorly. As well, he mentioned that this sanction would materialize if these telecommunications would remain the same by December.

Senator Grace Poe hoped that any whistleblowers should appear to expose this issue and expect that somebody would explain to Mr. Duterte that more than a few local officials and regulators failed to deliver their jobs due to their corrupt intentions.

Indeed, Senator Grace Poe added that President Duterte could call the attention of these regulators like the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) and local officials to accelerate their replies to the needs of the people. Hence, she said that the government should enforce the red tape law.


Salaverria, L. B. ( 31 July 2020). Telcos urged to name officials delaying cell site permits. Retrieved July 31, 2020, from

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