How to Make Money Online

From Kelleysthoughtsonthings

Making money online has been a constant pitch for bloggers and vloggers around the World Wide Web. You may have stumbled on hundreds of thousands of articles and videos online telling you the simple steps to make money online. You may ask now how many written articles online about this topic. Almost certainly, you have had enough. But then again, a problem exists. Some of these articles are... [Read More]

Hiring Your Web Content Writer

Hiring your web content writer these days requires screening tests. You may even ask for samples when you ask them to send their CVs or resumes. At first, you are scared that you mistakenly hire someone from the World Wide Web. So, you give your applicants new sets of tests to determine their potential skills and their behavior to finish the jobs and meet the deadlines. Now, you probably know... [Read More]

Being a Content Writer

Finding jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic seems very challenging. Due to a social distancing policy and a travel restriction imposed by the local and national governments, we cannot stroll around the city to search for jobs in some brick-and-mortar institutions. We remain at home without doing anything. As well, many companies and large-scale business organizations stop their operations due to... [Read More]

Running a Small Business

Are you looking for jobs in brick-and-mortar institutions or are you running your small businesses after graduation? According to my friend, which name I will not mention, 90% of wealth in the world is in business and 10% is in employment. I am not going to say that my friend is right. However, I can only presume that he is based on my observation. For example, in the parking area in malls... [Read More]

Being a Freelance Writer

I always thought that I could only find jobs in brick-and-mortar institutions. That was what my parents told me. “You know what son? You have to study hard to secure employment in well-known companies here and abroad.” This life of thought from my parents reverberated in my ear and pushed me to study even harder to reach my goals. Yes, I finished college in Musuan, Bukidnon. I got a job... [Read More]

Should DepEd and CHED Stop the Classes this Calendar Year 2020-2021?

Misamis Oriental, Mindanao, Philippines (May 5, 2020) – The growing number of COVID-19 cases and patients continued to produce panic and shock among people. Government leaders and healthcare providers, as well as concerned individuals, exerted much effort in producing vaccines and treatments to cure patients. They even enforced policies that could curb COVID-19 cases. For one thing, the... [Read More]

Why Should Everyone Uphold the Functions of the Commission on Human Rights

In the challenge of time and in the rise of forces and power, the United Nations Human Rights Council, as well as its commissioning country members around the world, should stand against terrors and violations. Of course, we should not let another nightmarish history of genocide or holocaust to explode in the broadcast and print media. We cannot allow another massacre in Rwanda that killed... [Read More]

Understanding Propositions of Fact, Policy, and Value

Initial Thoughts Understanding propositions will remain indispensable knowledge to gain in the study of argumentation and debate, as well as logic. This topic about proposition helps speakers and thinkers determine whether the statements they are arguing are true or false. Using the Aristotelian logic helps logicians and ordinary people think and decide on things to make judgments of details... [Read More]