SANSVILLS Cafรฉ: Celebrating the local delights

This puzzling photo requires you to speculate. You may ask yourselves where you see this. And then, you imagine. Are you thinking of South Korea, or perhaps, somewhere else. You may then argue that this featured place is outside of Misamis Oriental or outside of the Philippines. Well, if you try to come to see it, then you can probably say that you are still in Misamis Oriental.

The location of Sanvills Cafรฉ is at Claveria Road, Barangay Lunotan, Civoleg, Gingoog City. It can be an ordinary ride if you go to Gingoog City. However, this time your trip appears to be magical as the heavy fog attempts to cloud the place. It surely is cold around there.

Sanvills Cafรฉ is the best place to stopover for all-day breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I bet you like coffee very much to go against the cold environment. Well, if you like Latte Cappuccino, Brew, Espresso, and Americano, then you are in the right place.

Moreover, Sansvills Cafรฉ fascinates travelers from all over the places in Misamis Oriental since the area is a great spot for cool weather to enjoy with a hot cup of coffee at hand. Now, if you wish to travel back and forth from Claveria to Gingoog City, why not just drop by and say hello to our friends at Sanvills Cafรฉ.

Indeed, the place makes you and me relish more than a few of the local delights and coffee varieties even more. Well, please check all photographs taken by Kentot Travels via ExploreMisOr.

Explore more about other adventures and travels at Misamis Oriental Journal.

Kibanban Stream in Balingasag: A new adventure

You may be thinking of going to the beach or a pool this season. You are just thinking about it, right? Well, before you set your plans, please check out this stream in Kibanban, Balingasag, Misamis Oriental.

For one thing, you can celebrate happiness with nature. When you say nature, you mean the birds, the rivers, the streams, and the trees. You mean something magical inside the jungle where the beauty of nature intriguingly charms your eyesight. Well, it is so special to see you there.

Kibanban stream fascinates you the most. If you look at the site and observe the clear crystal water, you can plunge yourselves into the watercourse, so cold and so inviting that thinking of swimming overnight. As you decide to visit the Kibanban stream, take some selfies and document your adventure due to its instagrammable highlight.

At this point, you can positively explore the amazing secret of Misamis Oriental. Travel with friends now and be safe while traveling. As you take your trips to Kibanban, Balingasag Misamis Oriental, you absolutely are on the go for an exciting adventure.

Now, you need to bring the following:ย 

    • food products for meals and snacks
    • mobile phones with loads for emergency purposes
    • dry clothes and towels after a bath
    • bottled waters, and more

Are you asking how to get there? I presume it as a yes. Well, if you are from Cagayan de Oro or Butuan, take buses and stop at the Balingasag Bus Terminal. At the bus terminal, check a few commercial motorcycle drivers (habal-habal drivers) for a trip to Kibanban and pay around PhP 140.00 back and forth. When you arrive, you can enjoy nature. You can take pictures with friends. I bet, selfies with rock backgrounds are fantastic, too. What do you think?ย 

Get Hired at Phividec Industrial Authority

Have you been looking for jobs? Well, the long wait is over. Please check the available positions at Phividec Industrial Authority (PIA) now. If you think you qualify, please apply not later than JANUARY 29, 2021.

For more details about the jobs, please check the following documents below:



    • Fully accomplished Personal Data Sheet (PDS) with recent passport-sized picture (CS Form No. 212 Revised 2017) to be downloaded at CSC site.
    • Performance rating in the last rating period (if applicable)
    • Photocopy of certificate of eligibility/rating/license, and;
    • Photocopy of Transcript of Records

For all qualified applicants, please hand in your credentials or send your applications through courier or email to:

    • Godofredo P. de Guzman, Jr.
    • HRMO V
    • MCT Complex, Tagoloan, Misamis Oriental
    • [email protected]

Reviewing Charles Darwinโ€™s Theory of Evolution

  1. What is Darwinโ€™s Theory of Evolution? Please explain in terms of Natural Selection. Is Natural Selection purely random chance, or is there design to be understood at various levels? Does this allow for some type of DIALOGUE between religion and science in terms of ultimate truths? What would that be?

The theory of evolution by Charles Darwin in terms of biological evolution put the field of religion at risk. The concept of natural selection explains how these animals and people live according to their ideals. As Charles Darwin claimed, natural selection talked about the distinction between survival and reproduction of individuals because of the disparity of their characteristics. Charles Darwin mentioned that the concept of natural selection served as the key mechanism of evolution. He made use of the idea of genetics to advance his arguments (Moore, 228). He said that peopleโ€™s natural characteristics and perspectives due to their heritable traits over generations. However, the Bible did not have ideas presented by Charles Darwin. As defined, Darwin pointed out that evolution transpired the concept of descent with modification. He claimed that animals including the lower and upper forms of creatures changed their characteristics over time. It happened during the period of mating and selection. Because of this discovery, Darwin abandoned his religious perspectives and asserted that religion has never been the sole authority (Moore, 228). According to James Moore, the theory of evolution by Charles Darwin advanced the concept of natural selection. This theory contradicted the Book of Genesis, which made him the enemy of the Bible. The Book of Genesis, as Darwin criticized, did not accept and consider Darwinโ€™s principles of natural selection that animals naturally select their mates and pairs and other biological points and instances. According to research, Darwinโ€™s Christian background, as well as his persistent religious principles and his outlooks of God and other supernatural beliefs did not even harmonize well (Moore, 228). In other words, there existed a few things that would support Charles Darwinโ€™s ideas โ€“ the field of genetics. Pieces of evidence of evolution showed how Charles Darwin thrived to pin and advance his arguments that the theory of evolution prospered based on evidentiary elements. However, Darwinโ€™s theory is not random at all. There might be a possibility of randomness in the first step; however, the overall process is by chance. In other words, the presentation of the genetic variation would reveal that the process of natural selection would occur at random at a certain step, and yet the overall process of natural selection would never transpire at random order. For example, the survival and reproductive success of individuals would relate to the means and ways that they inherit those genetic functions and traits. The inherited behaviors and characters would function based on the contexts of their environment. As well, based on the field of science, Charles Darwin proved that his scientific discovery and his theoretical works using fossil records as well as the presence of biogeography, comparative anatomy, comparative embryology, and molecular biology helped him advance his model about perspectives of natural selection. However, Darwinโ€™s theory was put under the challenge of religious leaders. he did not even have the chance to justify his point clearly due to pressures. According to research, Darwin did not have the chance to prove it and experiment with his claim; however, his assumptions concerning genetics and other fields brought new light to the study of genetics and other important and relevant sciences (Moore, 228). However, the use of genetics as a field of science to forward his natural selection and evolution would gain positive results. The gene sequences as cited by the series of examinations would confirm Darwinโ€™s theories and hypotheses. This assumption would somehow put the spotlight between religion and science under the covenant and to agree with each of its stances. There might be a dialogue that pushed some agreements between religion and science. However, this dialogue would serve as a justification of idea and a concept of accepting the equality of reasons and truths that both religion and science would be balanced and equal at the same length.

Indeed, Charles Darwinโ€™s claim issued negative remarks against the church. Despite his Christian background, Darwin tried to challenge the belief imposed by religion and claimed that religion and church did not possess the sole authority to claim the truth. His arguments were kept behind his theory; however, supports from scientific fields and pieces of evidence using genetics and other sources could aid and support him. However, Darwin failed to prove his theory since he failed to complete it. perhaps, the Bible seemed angry about was the idea that people came from apes or primates. His theory of evolution would explain how primates and human beings diverged in many instances. It seemed funny to think that people today came from apes or primates but that evidence would show that apes and human beings would have the same or close genetic makeup. Whatever the case might be, science and religion would continue to fight for their positions and stances in society for many years to come.



Understanding the Newtonian Mechanism

  1. How do the Galileo Affair and the Copernican revolution lead to a Newtonian Mechanism? God is seen no longer as Theistic, but rather as Deistic, if at all. Explain the difference between the two. What does Hume say about God as explained in Chapter 2 of Barbour? Does he argue that there is no God? Why or Why not? Please explain in detail.

The existence of the Copernican Revolution and Galileo Affair signaled the dawn of the Newtonian Mechanism. Experts and scholars explained that Newtonian mechanics would relate to the application of laws of motion as introduced by Isaac Newton. It would be correct to say that this Newtonian Mechanism served as the third round or third wave of the scientific move toward advancements. The law of motion explains the concepts of distance, time, and mass in which this idea of motion serves as the inertial frame. Even if this Newtonian idea infringes on the theory of relativity by Albert Einstein, this Newtonian Mechanism served as the tool to fill the void of scientific advancement after the Copernican Revolution and the Galileo Affair. Of course, the Copernican system and the Galileo Affair contained numerous blunders and errors due to lack of pieces of evidence and proof; however, those scientific attempts performed their functions and roles to advance scientific knowledge. Despite the errors committed by the authors of the Copernican Revolution and the Galileo Affair respectively, their works were not heretical. In the end, the Copernican Revolution and the Galileo Affair led to the Newtonian Mechanism.

The Newtonian Mechanism would require serious advanced research, as well as critical thinking. For example, Newtonโ€™s law of universal gravitation draws a parallel to Galileoโ€™s and Copernicusโ€™s previous discoveries about the movements of the planets and their orbits, as well as the center of the solar system โ€“ the sun. It seemed that this discussion on the movements of the planets around the sun did not appear as a coincidence. Based on the Newtonian law, all particles attract one another in the infinite universe with forces. The question would be on who played the dice to draw all moving planets around the sun in one solar system. The compelling work of Richard S. Westfall revealed the idea of Supreme Being during the time of Isaac Newton. Of course, Newtonโ€™s principle revealed his close associations of the deistic principles and stances. Philosopher Thomas Aquinas supported this claim and asserted that God or any Supreme Being has been responsible โ€œfor the creation of the universe and the movement of the planets and objects in the universeโ€ (Westfall 173). As close as deism, Newton, as a Christian, believed that God could cause the physical movements in the universe. In this case, the concept of deism and theism emerged. To define the concept, deism referred to the belief that an impersonal god created the universe and creates and masterminds the movements of all planets and planetary particles (Westfall 173). Deism, as mentioned, would forward the belief that this Supreme Being did not have any interest and desire to build and form a personal relationship. Theism, on the other hand, referred to the belief that a personal god would form a personal relationship with human beings. Copernicus and Galileo in their theories and theses assisted Isaac Newton to stress the view of the gravitational law and the law of motion. The perception to proclaim โ€œthe most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets would only correspond to the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Beingโ€ (Westfall 173). Newtonโ€™s ideas about deism and theism would face a challenge as philosopher David Hume established his religious agenda. In the end, further deliberations have been crucial to Newtonโ€™s theological view to clash with Humeโ€™s argument.

David Humeโ€™s belief in God seemed controversial. According to Hume, people should avoid thinking of any object or Supreme Being if they never felt and sensed it. He argued that people should consider this discovery and understanding to reconcile various controversies. To point out Humeโ€™s private correspondence about God, critics would argue that his belief in God appeared to be problematic. It would be correct to assume that Humeโ€™s standpoints and grounds about God have been ambiguous. However, the only thing that made it clearer was the idea that Hume believed in Supernatural Being. Additionally, he asserted that this Supreme Being had the power to move the planets and objects in the universe. Out of confusion, he succeeded to forward his argument that any person could conceive something or someone that existed without any cause. In this case, Hume just played by the rules of his mind that anything would be possible; however, he did not have a fixed argument to where he stood his compelling arguments. In some of his articles, Hume argued that a miracle remained a violation of natural law and that strong possible testimony to support the claim for miracles would go against the law of nature. In this case, Hume demonstrated his refusal to confirm the presence and the existence of God. He did not even mention that God existed. Perpahs, It would not be right to judge Hume based on this account, but it would be correct to ask why he had doubts in his mind. In the end, Hume and many other philosophers and scientists managed to keep their reasons behind them while uncovering the truth about the existence of the Supreme Being, the cause why all things, other objects, and many planets without someone pushing and touching them. Going back to the knowledge and discovery of scientific advancement, the existence of the Copernican Revolution and Galileo Affair helped forward cutting-edge knowledge. Perhaps, without this first wave and second wave of scientific advancement, there would be no chance of scientific knowledge. It would be safe to say that those scientists who invested their time in research and risked their lives from persecution and burning them alive helped create this world where freedom and liberation transpired. Of course, there might be flaws and errors that Copernicus, Galileo, and many others had. However, they helped reshape the world and produce a new world of advancement.

Works Cited

Westfall, Richard S.ย Isaac Newton. OUP ย Oxford, 2007.

The Copernican Revolution and the Galileo Affair

  1. Explain the Copernican Revolution and the Galileo Affair. Please explain how these two events created Conflict between the Church and Science. What does this say about religious dogma versus scientific research? Please explain each case in detail and what it meant ultimately to the church.

The clash between religion and science occurred due to the desire to establish claims of truths based on a series of scientific research and observation. There would be no questions that religion and its principles have dominated for centuries to be a powerful force in the world. Any force that tried to change facts to destabilize religions would face a fantastic challenge against the religious and the scientific community alike. Nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo Galilei did inflate the skirmish between the conflicts of ideas and opinions concerning the universe and the standpoints of religion in the 16th century. The theories stated in the Copernican Revolution and the Galileo Affair sparked many controversies of their scientific positions on heliocentrism and other discoveries. Both scientists did not want to undermine the veracity of religion; however, they just wanted to advance their scientific theories for advancements. The challenge was tough since the religious and scientific community did not like what Nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo Galilei tried to implement. Both scientists confronted the challenge of the opening of the new ideas and the advancement of the truth of science, as well as the universe and heliocentrism. The works o Nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo Galilei received negative remarks that led to their defeat. In light of the discovery of truth, the Copernican Revolution and the Galileo Affair faced a multidimensional challenge from the religious and academic community to serve as a gripping reminder that powerful forces, such as governments and groups of acclaimed authorities could do something to silence those people who wished to change the truth in the world.

The idea of the Copernican Revolution stressed its shift to the domain of astronomy. Nicolaus Copernicus adopted the new principle that the sun is at the center of the solar system where the planets revolve around it. This geocentric understanding of the universe that the sun is the center of the solar system, not the Earth, attempted to change the view that Earth was the center of all since God as cited in the Bible made Earth possess the lives of all His creations. If Earth is not the center of the solar system or the universe, Copernicusโ€™s ideas would forward an argument that there would be many people outside Earth in other parallel universes. This notion ignited a secret influence by โ€œthe wide-ranging philosopher Giordano Bruno whose involvement with Copernican view led to his execution as a hereticโ€ (Gingerich 115). It would be sad to say that any person who tried to make further advancements to science and technology would confront an immense force for further executions if they clashed with the Roman Catholic Church. The infinite universe would make a promise that many unknown people outside Earth might exist. When Copernicus substituted the Earth to the Sun at the center of the universe, which he meant the solar system, the scientific community, as well as the religious group, had to consider this topic innovative and thought-provoking. In other words, this Copernican concept and view, filled with resistance and public rejection from the scientific community and religious groups, transformed the role of astronomy in society. Writer Owen Gingerich cited that โ€œthe action and mandate of Pope Benedict XIV accepted the heliocentric doctrine in Catholic schools in 1757, a century had passed before it gained recognition while numerous astronomers and philosophers imperiled their lives for this theory and viewโ€ (116). Despite the challenges, the Copernican Revolution made its way to the acceptance of heliocentrism theory.

Similarly, the Galileo Affair advanced a new conflict between religion and science. This conflict got personal when government leaders and members of the religious community charged him with heresy. As mentioned, this Galileo Affair became the most repeatedly discoursed case of a struggle between religion and science over a new truth and viewpoint. Galileo wanted to promote the Copernican concept of heliocentrism and invented a telescope to present the truth about the centrality of the sun and the function of the planet in the solar system. According to the religious group in the 16th century, as cited by Richard Blackwell, Galileo could provide โ€œpieces of evidence of his assertions and fail to support his claimsโ€ (121). The Roman Catholic Church, as the sole authority of the Bible and the astronomical, political, religious, and social phenomena, refused to acknowledge Galileoโ€™s standpoint since their assertions and claims that โ€œno individual Christian should interpret the Scriptures contrary to the shared covenant of the early fathers of the church or contrary to the views of the pope and the bishopsโ€ (Blackwell 122). In other words, no person had the right to deduce some views concerning religion and its ethics since the bishops and the pope could only read it. As cited, those two high-ranking officials in the Roman Catholic Church only had the power to construe the Bible and its viewsโ€ (Blackwell 122). For that reason, Galileo had no chance to expose himself to the public and the Roman Catholic Church about his involvement with the Copernican interpretation of heliocentrism until he finished his telescope.

Indeed, the clatter between religion and science fell under the element of principle. The intellectual turmoil in the wake of discovery and innovation posed risks to the Roman Catholic Church, as well as its disintegration. The escalation of Protestantism and the evolving scientific theories that would trash the veracity of the Bible in the works of Copernicus, Galilei, and many others posed risks to the church. With all these advancements, the church had to confront the fact that it had to embrace them or face the costs without burning the scientists alive.

Works Cited

Blackwell, Richard J. โ€œGalileo Galilei.โ€ย Science and Religion: A Historical Introductionย (2002): 105-116.

Gingerich, Owen. โ€œThe Copernican Revolution.โ€ย Science and Religion: A Historical Introductionย (2002): 95-104.

Dakak Park & Beach Resort: A Dream to See

Planning to visit Dakak Park & Beach Resort is exciting. You can imagine yourself being engrossed in a sumptuous utopia courted and regaled with the reassuring hums and jingles of beach waves. You can even consider hearing the soft rhythm of the leaves of the trees hopping and pirouetting by the breeze. As you write down your plans, you know you are in the right place to stay at Dakak Park & Beach Resort.

Dakak Park & Beach Resort will, always, be motivating. If you try to reach us with ease with all medium access to the air, land, and sea. The beach resort lies in the countryside in the southern region of the Philippines, and it hosts plenty of quest and leisure accomplishments. Indeed, Dakak Park & Beach Resort will offer great class amenities and conveniences.

Well, the beach resort offers 13 varied restaurants to cherry-pick from it. Dakak Park & Beach Resort will surely satisfy your cravings and taste. It even promotes expansive and sequestered bedrooms and spaces with a dash of elegance. Of course, the beach resort enthralls you and me with the picturesque view eyeing and gawking at the immaculate white sand. You know that local and foreign tourists and visitors and even you can call it a paradise since the place holds some grand view with greeneries around the place.

Indeed, you can visit Dakak Park & Beach Resort in Taguilon, Dapitan City, Zamboanga Del Norte. You will be fascinated by the marvel and miracle of the ocean and the site. You can invite local guests and foreign tourists, too. You can invite them and inform them of its geographical location that dodges away from the typhoon belt. Its site is picture-perfect to be called an idyllic travel destination among guests.

    • Barangay Taguilon, Dapitan City, 7101 Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga, Philippines
    • +63 905 315 2600
    • +63 918 243 7745

Gardens of Malasag Eco-Tourism Village

It is time to say โ€œWe Need To Have A Retreat!โ€ Perhaps, it is the best time for us to roam around the place to relieve boredom and stress. We can go to the beach resorts or we can spend our holidays or vacations somewhere else. Before thinking anything, consider this one โ€“ the Gardens of Malasag Eco-Tourism Village.

What You Need To Know

After the global pandemic, visitors can spend their vacation at the Gardens of Malasag Eco-tourism Village. The village is a 2.2-hectare, which holds a diversified bio-sanctuary on the rising and falling terrain of Sitio Cugman Watershed in Cagayan De Oro City. It has cottages and pools if you want to d Mind you, it is a good place to visit though.

Where Do You Go To Visit The Place

The Gardens of Malasag Eco-Tourism Village is in Cugman, Cagayan de Oro City. It embraces the wonder of nature. Nuzzled within the drops and hills of Cugman Watershed in Cagayan De Oro, the Gardens of Malasag Eco-Tourism Village holds an inspiring cultural domain. It offers an imaginative sight of the flora and fauna plus the spectacular ecological community that, of course, enthralls visitorsโ€™ attention. With an awe-inspiring sight of Macajalar Bay, the Gardens of Malasag Eco-Tourism Village brings concord and quietness of the minds.

What Are The Facilities

Well, when you get the chance to visit the place, for any occasion, you will surely see and experience checking in and out the deluxe and superior cottages plus the dormitory rooms. You can check the surroundings if you like.

    • 10 Superior cottages
    • 10 Deluxe cottages
    • 4 Dormitory rooms โ€“ 10 pax capacity/room

Oh, do you wish to see some photos of the Gardens of Malasag Eco-Tourism Village? Well, I get the chance to see some photos from the Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority (TIEZA). Well, if you do not know what TIEZA is, you can visit its website, and from there, you check out for more details.