Re-emergence of a Gargantuan Oarfish: Would the Region Face a Tremendous Earthquake?

Cagayan de Oro โ€“ On May 31, 2020, community residents in Cagayan de Oro found another massive oarfish washed ashore on the coastline. This mammoth type of fish lives in darkness into the depths of the sea. Known as a sea serpent, oarfish submerged more than 3,000 feet deep, which could be difficult for fishermen and expert researchers to see.

The well-known lore of oarfish to warn the incoming earthquake spread like wildfire in the region. Due to the Japanese traditional stories, many continued to roll down the narratives to convince others to believe that this type of fish appearing from the rock bottoms of the ocean would signal the impending debacles underground. However, Japanese researchers wished to displace and disassemble this lore or false report to disprove the connection of the reappearance of oarfish to warn an incoming earthquake. In 1928, research studies, circulated by the newspapers and academic papers, confirmed no relationships between oarfish emergence and any titanic tremor.

In March 2011, oarfish appeared in Tohoku. The Tohoku earthquake in Japan, which annihilated thousands of lives and destroyed three nuclear reactors, did associate with the appearance of oarfish. Because of this event, the myth grew stronger when some rarely-seen deep-water fish emerged in the shorelines in the years 2009 and 2010 to warn the March 2011 seismic wave. According to the lore, this oarfish called the Messenger from the Palace of Sea God that visited Japanโ€™s seaboards to notify residents of the approaching underground movements and tidal wave.

If this folklore had a chance to be true, community residents should be ready when oarfish reappeared in their shorelines. The oarfish myth could convince, as folk narratives unfolded. However, there could be no scientific aim to contemplate that oarfish could predict the coming earthquake. Researchers and scientists explained that occasional oarfish sightings in shallow water were due to food hunt or any seismic activity underwater. One phenomenon could prove why oarfish appeared in shallow waters. During the El Niรฑo years, the depths of the waters in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean were much chiller than ordinary. The surface water was warmer; however, the depths of water were even cooler during El Niรฑo pushing this oarfish to find some food and swim into the shallow and warmer waters to get food. The extreme coolness underwater could disturb the oarfishโ€™s habitat that urged them to plunge and reel into the sandbanks in search of food planktons.

Japanese researchers mentioned that seawater temperatures changed. In the deep-sea ecosystems, oarfish had to migrate if the habitat changed. Therefore, the oarfish splashed onshore on Pacific seashores did not warn any looming underground eruption after all.

Photo Source: Rodge Cultura, ABS-CBN News

Scorched Chapel and Households in Opol, Misamis Oriental, Alleged NPA Mutineers to Blame

Cagayan de Oro โ€“ Alleged communist insurgents set four households and a chantry on fire on the daybreak of Thursday, May 29, 2020 in Opol, Misamis Oriental.

The town Mayor Maximino Seno commented on the attack and persuaded the army to preserve and protect the safety of the inhabitants of Barangay Limonda.

โ€œI donโ€™t exactly know the motive of the New Peopleโ€™s Army (NPA) why it attacked the civilians. Besides, most of these inhabitants are poor,โ€ Mayor Maximino Seno said.

โ€œThe village dwellers witnessed two alleged communist insurgents who gushed out gasoline on the houses and chapel of the Born Again Christian,โ€ said Capt. Rene Belmonte Jr., the representative in the 403rd Infantry Brigade of the Army.

Capt. Rene Belmonte Jr. suspected that the NPA radicals executed their criminal deeds of sweltering the chantry and four households using Guerilla Front 12 bait.

As well, Capt. Rene Belmonte Jr. said that the Guerilla Front 12 did, however, maneuver its campaigns, policies, and tactics near the border of Misamis Oriental and Iligan City.

He mentioned that the NPA revolutionaries jarred with the Army soldiers on Tuesday in Barangay Rogongon in Iligan City.

โ€œThose rebels advanced to Zone 2 but failed to stay a bit longer when residents squared them out by telling that they did not have food to offer,โ€ said Capt. Rene Belmonte Jr.

โ€œThis early Thursday morning, 14 communist guerrillas, mostly equipped with M14 rifles, returned and scorched the Born Again Christian Chapel and residentsโ€™ houses,โ€ Capt. Rene Belmonte Jr. said.

โ€œWhen those communist insurgents left, they yelled, โ€œLong Live the NPA,โ€ he concluded.

Photo Source:

Start Your Freelance Jobs Now

Most Filipino graduates and other professionals today confront the challenges of finding jobs in brick-and-mortar institutions. It is heart-breaking to realize that hundreds of thousands of graduates every year cannot even land on their dream jobs. With 1,000 applicants for 10 available positions for example, these graduates and professionals are compelled to compete with one another to secure entry-level and executive positions. This situation seems pathetic to think that they study their graduate and post-graduate programs for four, five, or six years in colleges and universities only to land on fast-food chains, restaurants, and call center industries. I do not want to pin down call center jobs, but finishing undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate studies only to work as call center representatives and technical support agents can be quite odder than I imagine.

However, reality bites. Most of these graduates do not have the option to do and to reconsider. All available choices to secure decent jobs, perhaps, become tight that they have to blow the dust and bite their fingers to gain one. Besides, what do we serve on our plates at the tables if we become picky to obtain our dream jobs? Considering 105 million Filipinos today, those available jobs become the subjects of witch hunts. We are all job seekers who choose to vie for the remaining job resources so that we can feed our hungry stomachs. I do not want to exclude myself since I experience the same adversities, too. Though I land a certain job from years of searching; however, I immediately quit when I realize I no longer love it. The problem โ€“ workplace scenario! Yes, I finished my undergraduate and graduate studies, got some jobs, and decided to quit despite the stern screening in the job application process.

Consequently, I stumble on the Internet. I just learn that online jobs are available and growing. I instantly inform my friends and classmates who have parallel experiences and hardships in finding decent jobs as I am. To tell you this, I manage to apply to various jobs at some of the websites. My friends have jobs now. They land on the stable jobs since they register here:

Using a viable technology, freelancers can get jobs from different companies abroad. These companies allow them to perform the tasks in the comfort of their home. At, these graduates and professionals will no longer struggle to fall in line with long queues for job interviews. They only need to explore online job opportunities and earn a living at home. How exciting that is!

Now, to get your salaries, freelancers can get their incomes from their full-time or part-time jobs when they apply for any payment methods, such as PayPal, Wire Transfer, or Payoneer. When you register for Payoneer so that you will have your MasterCard, you need to register the link below as part of the referral program:

Photo Source: Getty Image

Teachersโ€™ Dignity Coalition to Support President Duterteโ€™s Opinion against Class Reopening

On Tuesday, May 26, 2020, the Teachersโ€™ Dignity Coalition(TDC) hailed President Rodrigo Duterteโ€™s announcement against the reopening of classes. President Rodrigo Duterte said that he would not allow pupils or students to go to school without a COVID-19 vaccine.

Conversely, the previous announcement of DepEd to open its classes on August 24 whether brick-and-mortar organizations or online institutions for the school year 2020 to 2021 did contradict President Duterteโ€™s declaration. President Duterte himself said that discussing the opening of classes remained useless if no vaccine against COVID-19 would be available.

โ€œMga bata, โ€˜wag munaโ€ฆ I will not allow the opening of classes na magdikit dikit โ€˜yang mga bata. Bahala na hindi na makatapos,โ€ Sabi ng President ng Pilipinas.

(Children, not yetโ€ฆ I will not permit the opening of classes if classrooms become crowdedโ€ฆโ€ President Duterte said)

As well, the TDC mentioned that the Department of Education (DepEd) could focus on its academic plans to convey different educational means to pursue the academic studies of pupils and students devoid of an official pronouncement of class opening.

Additionally, the Department of Education would permit teachers more time to refine their methodological and technical skills to create course programs for pupils and students to handle the โ€œnew normalโ€ circumstances.

In the interim, the TDC stated that Congress could commence amending the laws regarding the opening of classes between June and August.

In a statement, the TDC accentuated that they hoped for DepEd to acknowledge the feelings of the parents and teachers, as well as their feelings, understandings, and recommendations in constructing and fashioning their academic plans.

Moreover, the TDC braced President Rodrigo Duterte and his announcement on the reopening of class, as well as its support to the DepEd Secretary that education must continue in a time of the pandemic. With teachersโ€™ skills and infrastructure, all teachers can comply with DepEdโ€™s guidelines.

The TDC said that DepEd, parents, teachers, and the government must prioritize childrenโ€™s health safety.

Source Photo:

5 Ways to Earn Dollars with your Websites

Most people today have a hard time searching for jobs. Recession or without a recession, some of them are left hanging in the balance. They lose the courage to wait for long queues throughout the application process. To imagine, you may give up easily knowing 1,000 applicants for five available positions plus the tedious interviews and the tough preliminary analogy, math, and verbal examinations. What is going on, guys? Please think about this โ€“ Job applicants struggle to land on brick-and-mortar institutions, take odd jobs as dining service crews at some fast-food chains and restaurants, or fall in line on audition camps for X-Factors, Got Talents, Idols, and many more. I say, why not just divert your attention to online jobs? Besides, online jobs these days are expanding and growing that some of you never imagine. But, just wait a minute. You need to be decisive. And when you do, please try to consider these five (5) ways to earn money through your websites.

Email Marketing

One of the best ways to earn dollars online is through email marketing. All you have to do is to build an email list and contact companies to visit your website. For example, you can send emails to companies and groups of individuals to visit your sites where you sell products and services. It even gives you two-way benefits and processes to earn money. Firstly, you can generate traffic to your website for every visit to your clients and customers. Secondly, you can earn money if your clients and customers purchase products and buy services. Additionally, email marketing allows you to earn dollars in different ways. You can do some email promotions to deliver free reports to monetize because of the affiliate links. Indeed, email marketing drives traffic back to your website and then construct long-term connections with your readers.

Promote Products and Services as Affiliates

Most bloggers make use of affiliate links to earn dollars or commissions from the systems. For example, bloggers post the affiliate links to their emails, websites, and any social media sites where clients and customers click and make purchases. Somehow, they write articles and embed affiliate links so that readers can visit the links. Perhaps, websites that offer affiliate programs come from various online stores, such as, eBay, Amazon, and the like, as well as other online companies, such as BigCommerce, Shopify, Wix, Sellfy, 3dcart, Site123, and many others. For that reason, you can earn dollars if you manage to sell and promote these affiliate links.

Make and Peddle Your Traditional Products and Digital Products

Most bloggers spend much time creating their digital products, such as eBooks. Clients and customers online are looking for digital products like eBooks to read while spending time to unwind. Some people love to order some ready-to-wear (RTW) products, health and wellness products, and many more. They post photos of these products online and deliver them on a cash-on-delivery (COD) basis. Besides, this way to earn money makes you feel comfortable earning dollars probably up to $1,000.00 a day or even more.

Do Product Reviews

Somehow, bloggers manage to earn dollars through making product reviews. For example, they use cosmetic products and make reviews. Some companies send their products to bloggers to make reviews. Bloggers then use these products and make testimonials about the products. For instance, male bloggers wear the underwear products sent by undies companies. These male models wear these briefs with brands and make videos of how physically fit these models are. Moreover, female bloggers can earn dollars by endorsing company products.

Sell Advertising Space

The common idea that bloggers earn money online is through Google advertising. Bloggers will write articles with specific ads from Google AdSense. Of course, they have to register first from Google AdSense so that they can connect to Google and earn bigger and larger revenues. Most bloggers earn more than $3,000.00 a month only for just one article. As you can see, many bloggers can earn bigger incomes due to these ads from Google. It means that you can write articles and sell advertising space from your websites.

Now, after reading this, what do you think? Are you going to find jobs in the city and spend your time 9-5 hours a day in a boring and repetitive lifestyle? I do not know. You better decide!

Photo Source: Alamy Stock

Why I Stop Teaching in Private and Public Colleges and Universities?

Leaving my language lecturer position in both private and public colleges and universities has always been bloodcurdling. At first, I feel the same sentiments of people who get fired with their jobs. At least, for me, I quit. That makes my entire storytelling different and unique. Of course, I will feel the agony of fixing the pain and suffering if I get fired. On the other hand, I do not get fired. I just quit my boring life plus my repetitive tasks โ€“ wake up early, go to school, discuss lessons, eat lunch, perform the afternoon class, go home, and check studentsโ€™ papers.

I could still recall the meaningful words I said back then. I told myself that teaching was my passion. That profession pushed me to exert much effort to be a great teacher. However, I failed. I just felt that teaching was quite boring. At least, I became a good teacher. I did what my superior asked me to do โ€“ submitting the teachersโ€™ reports. As well, I began to show my interest in teaching college and university students. I was 26 years old at that time, and I was eager and comfortable. That time, I taught Speech Communication courses, such as Speech Fundamentals, Public Speaking, and Argumentation and Debate at AMA Computer College in Cagayan de Oro and the then-Mindanao University of Science Technology, now called University of Science and Technology in (southern) Philippines (USTP). However, for many years of teaching I just got bored.

Back then, I was happy during my preliminary years. I developed my personality and met numerous acquaintances and a few friends. I began to spread my wings and explore my world as a teacher. However, I lost myself in the middle of somewhere. I just did not know what happened. As far as I could remember, I browsed Google at that time and clicked the search bar to type in โ€œjobs online.โ€ During that time, academic writing positions flourished. So, I typed in โ€œJobs Online.โ€ I suddenly felt shocked that several jobs online were available at that time. Then, I typed โ€œonline writing.โ€ After that, many websites were available and chose one site and clicked.

Since then, I have been a freelance academic writer. For many years, I have managed to earn money for a living. I do not want to brag my accomplishments with my online writing career, but I live my life through writing. I just built my house and managed to eat three times a day. I could still pay for my parentsโ€™ hospital bills. Unlike the time when I was a teacher, I would always ask for support from people to lend me money for my parentsโ€™ hospital bills.

Now, I can breathe from all the financial hassles.ย  I do not need to brag because I do not have to do it. Besides, I do not have any reputation to protect. Yes, I am a teacher by profession. I teach people. However, I consider it an experience since teaching jobs do not offer me what I need in life. I decide to be a freelance writer.

Finally, I stop teaching because I can. At first, it seems frightening where I can get my next paycheck. To tell you, I struggle a bit. I sometimes feel the migraine due to so many sleepless nights when I have to work so hard online. Now, I earn a lot, not that I earn a thousand dollars like all YouTubers, Vloggers, and Bloggers who laugh and smile at the top of their lungs. But, at least, I can shop twice a month.


Home-based jobs are for single dads, too.

Home-based jobs are not only for moms and single moms. There is no specific study that only mothers are pre-wired into home-based and online jobs. It can be quite odd to think that the Internet is only for women and moms alike. The truth is, men and fathers can, also, work online.

Why do some people choose home-based jobs? An obvious reason why most men prefer to work online and become home-based entrepreneurs and employees is the flexibility of time. Like single mothers, single fathers, too, have to take care of their sons and daughters. Hiring a nanny this time is not a good idea, not even the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. Another reason why men choose home-based jobs these days is the avoidance of stressful bosses and workplace environments. As such, men and single dads decide to work home-based to take care of their children while earning thousands of dollars.

As well, the salaries for home-based jobs can range from $1,000 a week to $4,000 or up to $10,000 a month. Without paying anything for the commute, single dads can save money for their childrenโ€™s education. Incomes for home-based writers, virtual assistants, and the like vary from months to months. In other words, salaries for home-based individuals may be lower or higher depending on how hardworking they are. Bloggers, for instance, may receive from $1,000 to $4,000 a month. Although not all home-based receive bigger than $4,000 a month, they can still earn high enough compared to what they receive working for their 9-5 job schemes.

This time, begin searching for online jobs or home-based jobs today. There have been plenty of online companies that offer good jobs. In the online writing industries, you can pick,,,,,,, and many others. Perhaps, you will be most interested in finding jobs at, Upwork, and LinkedIn. It is up to you. You only have to start doing it today. For single dads, this home-based job offers you a chance to work and earn money, as well as take care of their children and exhibit good parenting styles and techniques.

Finally, other single fathers register for some online companies today. They earn good money that helps them take care of their sons and daughters without their partners. If these single fathers make it, why not you? It does not make you less than a man if you choose to work online. You just cannot leave your kids at home with nannies because you choose to be hands-on, right?


Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudevโ€™s Best Teachings: What Are Those?

The famous Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev is the same as anybody with a complex personality. Some people around the world know that he is a philanthropist, spiritual and religious leader, and author. He works tirelessly for crafting accord between the body, mind, and spirit. His Isha-foundation allows him to spread his knowledge on yoga and happiness of everyone.

And yet, a spiritual seeker Achyut Telang wants to answer Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudevโ€™s best teachings. Telangโ€™s answers come from Quora.Com as copied directly and read below:

      • When it comes to external situations, each one of us is differently capable, but when it comes to the internal all of us are equally capable.
      • Before you fall dead, you should explore the full depth and dimension of who you are otherwise it is a wasted life.
      • โ€œI do not knowโ€ is a tremendous possibility. The possibility of knowing arises in your life only when you truly realize that โ€˜I do not knowโ€™.
      • This body is a heap of food and mind is a heap of impressions that you have gathered. Whatever you gather can be yours but can never be you.
      • Every moment you have a choice whether to be blissful or miserable. Make it consciously.
      • The most important thing happening in your life right now is that you are alive.
      • Whatever you think about yourself, whatever the whole world thinks about you, has no existential relevance. It has only psychological and social relevance.
      • If your experience of life transcends the limitations of the physical, only then we can say you are spiritual.
      • If you become a source of joy by yourself and your relationships are about sharing your joy, not squeezing the joy out of somebody, then you would have wonderful relationships with anybody. If two people come together, it should be a sharing of joy, not extraction of joy from each other.
      • The past is memory and the future is imagination. Both do not exist right now. Fear is simply because you are not living with life. You are living in your mind. Your fear is always about what is going to happen next. That means your fear is always about that which does not exist.

After reading Telangโ€™s answers to Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudevโ€™s best teachings, what do you think? Do you have any comments? Please let me know by sending me messages through <[email protected]>.