Your Instagram Buddy Takes a Braver Fight Against Bullies, Find Out How


An article, by Kay Lee on December 17, 2019, reveals a bold and audacious step of Instagram. According to the information posted on Instagram’s Info Center, the company wants to implement a new feature to notify people if they receive and send unpleasant photos or video captions.

This year Instagram management rolls out a new feature notifying users whether or not the captions of their messages and posts are offensive. According to Instagram, users have the responsibility to pause for a while, think, and reconsider all words before posting the pieces of information and images.

According to the management and creator of Instagram, this feature has been similar to the one being introduced back in July. Nevertheless, this feature, according to some people, aims to match and counter online bullying. It gives users the tasks to limit their words and to give them chances to be professional without sending foul and inappropriate messages. Indeed, the new feature according to the management allows users to know if they use foul language or offensive ones before posting comments and photo captions.

Additionally, the management of Instagram learns that such changes remain helpful to the community. As well, this feature reassures people and users to reflect upon the choice of words when posting.

On December 16, Facebook users will also get the same processes. For example, users get warnings if they write potentially offensive captions. This idea means that users have to edit and correct their word choices before they finally post them online. However, Facebook users have the decision to leave their captions and comments if they choose to leave them. Moreover, the Facebook experts note that their AI can spot belligerent words by associating them with other terms and words from previous texts and programmed wording.

At the moment, when users write captions for feed posts, Facebook’s AI can detect these captions and tagged as potentially offensive. Users will receive prompts telling that their captions are similar to bullying. In this case, users can edit their words if they want to correct them.

Indeed, Instagram management will implement this new feature. Government leaders and their corporate industries will adopt the same measures. However, this feature remained unknown yet. On the contrary, this feature soon becomes global as more countries consider this feature important and valuable.

From Village Talk to Facebook: How Fake News of COVID-19 Spreads like Wildfire?

The spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) across the globe operates like a wildfire. This propagation of information generates a global link wherein all country leaders and citizens get alarmed. However, some people have a sense of humor to report news. They make fun of it. They even fail to take the news seriously. As a result, they spread fake news and lies across social media sites to magnify the situation to produce anxiety and worries. The splurge of this fake news and information over the broadcast and print media even creates panic and tension. In effect, this information muddles individual people to think which one is real or not.

However, some people find joy in spreading fake news. They love to offer some unreliable reports using Facebook, Twitter, and other social media means. Some prefer to post video materials telling that bananas can beat the power of the novel virus. Other people, however, remain unhappy with posting funny, yet pity acts of pleasure. As a result, they post another video on Facebook regarding the relevance of eggs as treatments to beat COVID-19.

It seems comical to ruminate the idea of lying to share nonsensical information. As COVID-19 prospers in infecting people, it also thrives on corrupting social media sites. It then contaminates the minds of the users. This idea suggests the power of the virus, so strong that it kills more than 100,000 people across the globe as of May 3, 2020, at 05:00 PM. The coronavirus does not only target individuals’ biological part but also mental acuity. For instance, some people who post wrong information on Facebook and other social media platforms may also receive the virus – the mental infection that twists genuine information. It sounds funny though. Or else, it may sound a conspiracy. Regardless of the situation, the virus infection remains fatal to people. The infection on Facebook surely lasts as fake news reporters and rumormongers pollute others by telling them some bogus statistics, phony treatments, and fake pieces of information.

In the end, Facebook can be a viable tool to spread information. However, people need to learn the ethics of messaging and posting relevant and significant information. When they decide to post information, they surely have to realize the ethical grounds of sharing information. Writers who post the information have the moral obligation to inform the public based on truth.